An Exclusive Conversation with Neika Simone

What initially sparked your interest in pursuing a career in the arts for those who may not be familiar with your background?

My interest in the arts has been lifelong, but when I was younger, although I wrote songs, I’d never considered releasing music or pursuing a career in the music industry. Instead, I decided to teach music. I went to college and became a music teacher. But, nearly 8 years ago, I began to get serious about releasing music. After a string of difficult situations, I realized that I was lost and that teaching music was not providing what I needed as a musician. From there, I looked for a band to sing with and eventually met one of my producers who encouraged me to write again. Writing came back to me naturally and I eventually was able to release my first EP titled “Beautiful Moments.” I have only continued to grow and move upwards from there.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest single?

I love writing about relationships. When the foundation of “Back to Love” was formed, I wasn’t sure what the song would be about. As the melody began to come to me the first words that came to mind were “I wanna feel passion.” I knew that the song would be about a relationship that where the spark had left and the couple drifted apart.

What themes or emotions are explored in this song?

It’s a scary feeling to have invested years of your life into a marriage or relationship and see that you may be in a place of disrepair. That’s a very big pill to swallow. This song explores the perspective of the person who sees the problem and wants to find a way to work it out.

How does this single fit into the larger narrative of your music career or your upcoming projects?
“Back to Love” continues my trend of writing about relationships. I think that’s my sweet spot, but with my current album, I also talk about the relationship I have with myself. Lastly, my album is dedicated to my brother who passed away nearly 16 years ago. As I continue to write and collaborate with others, I want to take a deeper dive into relationships and venture into writing/singing about good times.

Could you describe the creative process behind this single, from concept to production?

I came up with the bass line months before anything else for the song was created. I literally woke up in the middle of the night hearing the bass line. I didn’t think that it would amount to much of anything but it kept coming to me in my sleep. That’s when I recorded it. Then, a horn line came but it still hadn’t clicked that both lines belonged together. Eventually, I realized that they did and sat down with one of my producers, Hannon Lane. That’s when the magic happened. The song, although simple, grew legs and became what is now known as “Back to Love.”

What can listeners expect to experience or feel when they listen to this track?

As listeners listen to this album, they will take a journey that includes many of the different aspects of love and relationships through ballads, upbeat/funky songs, and the smoothness of smooth jazz.

Are there any interesting stories or anecdotes from the recording or writing of this song that you’d like to share?

Yes! The hook for the song “Need Your Love” came to me while in the shower washing my hair. Usually creating music happens for me when I’m drifting off to sleep or while asleep. This is one time that didn’t happen.

As an artist, can you identify three key traits that define you?

Reflective – I like to write music based on experiences.
Positive vibes – Unless, my lyrics are about difficult times in a relationship, I’m all about positivity.
Fun Loving – I love laughter and being enjoying good company. Laughter is truly medicine to the soul!

What can we anticipate in terms of your upcoming projects?

There will be more expansion of Neika Simone! Although the core of my sound will always remain constant, my music will continue to evolve as I explore smooth jazz and neo soul genres.

Where can our readers find additional information about you and your work?

Additional information can be found on my website,