An Exclusive Conversation with Talia Daniels

What initially sparked your interest in pursuing a career in the arts for those who may not be familiar with your background?

I don’t remember there being a spark because music has been in my bloodstream forever. From as far back as I can remember everything around me related to music. My home growing up was filled with the smooth sounds of Motown and Andre Crouch. My father and I used to sing a lot together. Everything growing up centered around singing in church or being asked to sing somewhere.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest single?

Jesus My Hope Always, which was released on March 29th is my form of worship to a God that never fails and never leaves us. It is based on Lamentations 3:22 – 23 “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. 23 They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” My co-writers Alison McHugh and Chris VanDuyn and I sat down to write one day last year and wanted to write about just how happy we were for God’s faithfulness and compassion towards us.

What themes or emotions are explored in this song?

In this song we list several of Jesus’ attributes. His strength and the fact that we can lean on Him gives us joy! “He is my joy, He is my strength, Jesus my Hope…Always.”

How does this single fit into the larger narrative of your music career or your upcoming projects?

I have always wanted to write and record music that was uplifting and full of hope for the listener. Every song that I have written and produced is based on firsthand experience, like waiting for God to move and remaining faithful and full of Praise in the wait, which is the theme of “In The Meantime”. Likewise, confessing to God that I will go and do what He wants is the theme of “Have Your Way”.

Could you describe the creative process behind this single, from concept to production?

Co-writing can be so much fun. I woke up with the thought of “running to Jesus”. Which is how the song starts off. I took that to the team and from there, after about 4-hour long sessions, Ali added the polished tune and all three of us honed in on the remaining lyrics. We started each session with fellowship and prayer and then basically studied scriptures that would apply to why Jesus was so important to us. Once we had a really good base, I shared it with my producer, Stephen Leiweke of Yackland Studios in Nashville, TN and he loved it. Stephen then brought together great professional musicians to bring the song to life.

What can listeners expect to experience or feel when they listen to this track?

Jesus My Hope Always inspires joy through its upbeat rhythm and lyrics. I believe the words are ones that everyone can relate to. I can also imagine that this song would inspire hope….”I can’t find it in this world, I won’t find it in myself, (but in) Jesus My Hope Always”.

Are there any interesting stories or anecdotes from the recording or writing of this song that you’d like to share?

I think that funniest part for me is singing it live. We had so many wonderful words that described Jesus that when I sing it live, I can mix all the ones that didn’t make this particular cut back into the song.

As an artist, can you identify three key traits that define you?

As an artist I feel that I am diverse, uplifting and hopeful.

What can we anticipate in terms of your upcoming projects?

I really want to stay true to uplifting songs that speak the truth of the Gospel. If even one person has never had the opportunity to step foot into a church, I want my music to be a source of the good news of Christ. You can expect a wide range from foot stomping tunes to smooth ballads.

Where can our readers find additional information about you and your work?

Thank you for asking! I can be found one all streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, YouTube or iTunes as Talia Daniels. I also have a website, where there are links to all my music, and all can be purchased and downloaded.