An Exclusive Conversation with Kicknut

What initially sparked your interest in pursuing a career in the arts for those who may
not be familiar with your background?

To score with the fairer sex, a tale as old as time. Or is it? Imagine a life where sex wasn’t commodified—then we’d be living in the GRIND ZONE! (name of our single.)

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest single?

GRIND ZONE: is about whatever awesome dreamscape the listener wants to live in: A land with sex for all, health care, free education, great coffee, treats that don’t make you fat, unlimited nature. Sounds like I could be describing Norway. OR the GRIND ZONE could be a post apocalyptic lurch towards oppressive regimes. It’s about doing what you gotta do…and loving it.

What themes or emotions are explored in this song?

the whole spectrum, but with an attitude of being bad ass.

How does this single fit into the larger narrative of your music career or your upcoming

it’s our first release, it’s setting the stage for more greatness, that fun, throwbacky, modern, aggressive sound that makes all the things in life better to enjoy.

Could you describe the creative process behind this single, from concept to production?

We write together as a unit of three. People come in with ideas and we follow the energy to the promise land. The beautiful thing of a three piece band, is it’s about 2 v 1 on idea offs: If two people are not into, the concept will not move on. BUT, with this crew the rule is YES, we just move with ideas: going forward, we are not getting lost in the sauce: we are here to do a track and we’ve always done that—we have help from a producer, The Jon Jetter, who takes care of our technical demands, he’s the secret 4th member.

What can listeners expect to experience or feel when they listen to this track?

Like they wanna get up and set the world ablaze with their own notion of awesomeness. Pure CRUSH.

Are there any interesting stories or anecdotes from the recording or writing of this song
that you’d like to share?

Two members of the band like to get each other hyper stoked and one likes to chill and enjoy the process. The two hype ones turned the main riff into a vocal part that become the anthem and they keep saying: « stadiums will be singing this »

As an artist, can you identify three key traits that define you?

Aggressive. Fun. Party.

What can we anticipate in terms of your upcoming projects?

More of the exact same. We have a formula.

Where can our readers find additional information about you and your work?
