An Exclusive Conversation with Miss Storm

What initially sparked your interest in pursuing a career in the arts for those who may not be familiar with your background?

I’ve been in love with music since I was a little girl. Music has always been my favorite
way to communicate. At first I started writing Poetry to express my feelings and then I started working with different producers and writing hooks for them and eventually something clicked and I started having full conversations within the music.
I evoke emotion with my music. It’s my magic, it’s how I tell my story and others’ stories and I live and breathe it everyday.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest single?

All of my music is based on real life. I keep it 100% The good, the bad & the ugly.
I wrote « Come And Play » during the end of my relationship with my now Ex Fiance!
He was a workaholic and I got fed up with consistently being put on the back burner. Although we loved each other.. Things changed, it wasn’t fun anymore and I knew it wouldn’t work out between us. I was patient, I was understanding, I was loyal and …
I was becoming unhappy.
I wrote him a letter that turned into this catchy Southern Soul song « Come And Play » It began as a letter to my Ex Fiance and now it’s one of my most popular songs.

What themes or emotions are explored in this song? What can listeners expect to experience or feel when they listen to this track?

« Come And Play » is a fun catchy song that makes you think and move your feet lol
It’s Grown folks music It’s definitely a song you want to hear at the BBQ The Family
Reunion and can be enjoyed during any occasion.
Although it derived from a break I was going through, it’s still a feel good record.

As an artist, can you identify three key traits that define you?
Music is the core of my life. I’m very « Passionate » about my craft.
I take great pride in mastering my own Unique Sound and being Original.
I strive to inspire and uplift my listeners with my stories and songs and I aim to make Timeless music that will outlive me and touch lives long after I’m gone.

What can we anticipate in terms of your upcoming projects?

I have two more singles that I plan to release before the end of the year.
I plan to release visuals for my single « Come And Play » and I will be a featured Artist on several other amazing artist’s projects this year as well.

Where can our readers find additional information about you and
your work?

All of my music is on Tidal Apple Music Itunes Spotify etc
And I am on Social Media as well @1missstorm on Ig Fb and Tik Tok
Make sure to request my new Single « Come And Play » on your local radio station
And add me on I Heart Radio and Pandora Radio as well