An Exclusive Conversation with Jeanette Berry

What initially sparked your interest in pursuing a career in the arts for those who may not be familiar with your background?

Both of my parents worked in the arts; my father is a musician and music teacher and my mother was a singer, actress, dancer, and educator. It has always been in me. I love singing, and I believe deeply in arts for society, so while it chose me in a sense, I’ve worked to craft the career I have.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest single?

It was a song that I had heard a lot recently at sessions and singers recording. Last year I called it at a session and did it differently than what folks usually do, and I loved it. I said, okay we need to record this – and it turned into a whole album!

What themes or emotions are explored in this song?

The lyric, written in English was from a French song and lyric. The lyric is one of gratefulness that something happened, even if we are sad it ended. I wanted it to be joyful in its performance, which is how we got our version. So there is joy, gratefulness, sadness, but also a sense of completion and the desire and ability to move in with sweet memories.

How does this single fit into the larger narrative of your music career or your upcoming projects?

I studied jazz in college, my father is a jazz musician, so again, in my blood. However, I focused on original music right out of college that wasn’t as straight ahead, very much inspired by all Black music though. This is a return to the source for me, and a peak into what the whole album will be.

Could you describe the creative process behind this single, from concept to production?

Yeah, so as I stated, I got the inspiration from performing this at a jam session in a similar way. I knew the band I wanted for this session, and they influenced how I wanted to interpret this song. I surrounded myself with my dream band and used each of their skill sets. The piano player was my high school teacher, so I knew him very well and he me. He is a virtuoso and so I wanted to show him off, so we start dramatic. Then, my drummer, who was in my first band in college and one of my closest friends is one of the swingiest and creative cats out there, so we had to do a shuffle. I knew my bassist could swing with him and push him too. And then the horn players are some of the best in the world, and I knew they could back me up, keep everyone moving, elicit joy and body moving and excitement. The guitar player was with me when I did the song this way, and I trusted him to listen, play with deep intention and creativity and he did just that.

What can listeners expect to experience or feel when they listen to this track?


Are there any interesting stories or anecdotes from the recording or writing of this song that you’d like to share?

The energy of this session was electric. We all knew each other and it felt like a joy to get together to play this music. And I hope you get that energy from listening is all I’ll say,

As an artist, can you identify three key traits that define you? Joy, Love, excellence

What can we anticipate in terms of your upcoming projects?

This single is out on the 24th of June and the album we are working to have out by early fall!

Where can our readers find additional information about you and your work?- My website,