A Conversation with David Raybuck

What initially sparked your interest in pursuing a career in the arts for those who may

not be familiar with your background?

I have loved music from a young age and wanted to be a rock star like every other young guitarist. As much as I would lie to myself and say it was exclusively for the pursuit of art, the reality was that I desired attention and fame. I had a massive ego and I selfishly used music to feed my ego and get access to “the party”. But around 9 years ago my life was changed by Jesus Christ. And then 2 years ago I realized that God wanted me to start pursuing music again, but for his purposes instead of my own.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest single?

My latest single is called He Knows Your Name, and I wrote to give hope to people who have struggled with thoughts of taking their own life. Suicide rates have continued to increase, and as a pastor, I have ministered to a lot of people who have battled these thoughts. The lyrics were inspired by Psalm 139 which makes it clear that God is the one who created us. It’s easier to believe you are a worthless mistake or an accident when you don’t know that God is the one who created you. But God doesn’t make mistakes, and it’s important for people to know that they have great value to God and that he created them for a purpose.

What themes or emotions are explored in this song?

The song acknowledges the hopelessness and brokenness being experienced by someone considering suicide as the only way out, but offers a better path that will bring peace, hope, and joy.

How does this single fit into the larger narrative of your music career or your upcoming


This is the third single from my upcoming album that is in the works. If you listen to the previous two singles, God of Vengeance and On The Rock or the Sand, you’ll notice that it sounds completely different from both of those songs. While I didn’t intentionally set out to do this, it reflects my varied styles and the fact that I get bored with music that all sounds the same. The next album will be quite unique and diverse and will take the listener on an adventure they didn’t anticipate.

Could you describe the creative process behind this single, from concept to production?

Like most of my songs, this started with me messing around on my acoustic guitar. I kept repeating the D Am C G progression and kept trying different combinations of picking patterns until I landed on something that had potential. It’s a very simple yet beautiful progression, and I started getting some vocal melody ideas that really made it stand out. As I prayed about what to write about, I knew I was supposed to write it for people struggling with suicidal thoughts and God directed me to Psalm 139. I recorded it in my modest home studio using acoustic and electric guitars, my MIDI controller for Rhodes piano and bass guitar, and virtual drums in GarageBand. And my good friend Kevin Reddoch mixed and mastered it, as he has done all my songs thus far and has always done an amazing job.

What can listeners expect to experience or feel when they listen to this track?

Hope, peace, and comfort. I’ve heard from several folks who were overcome with emotion as they felt God touch their heart when they listened to it. Even people who aren’t battling despair and hopelessness will feel lifted up by the simple yet profound truth contained in this song. All the credit and glory goes to God for that, as I’m nowhere near that good.

Are there any interesting stories or anecdotes from the recording or writing of this song

that you’d like to share?

He Knows Your Name was the most recently completed of the others on the upcoming album, and there was a part of me that didn’t think it was “weird enough” to make the cut, because I lean towards music that is abnormal. But the more I played it, the more I grew to love it. Once I nailed down the vocal parts and added the harmony part on the chorus, I knew I had something special.

As an artist, can you identify three key traits that define you?

Picky. I’m not a picky eater, but I am a very picky music listener…. Some might even call me a music snob and I wouldn’t disagree. I listen to a wide variety of music across many genres, but the amount of music I don’t like drastically exceeds the amount that I do like.

Innovative. I’m not saying I nail this, but when I write I am always trying to create something that hasn’t been done before with something unique to offer. Sure, we’re all heavily influenced by the music we listen to, but I hear a lot of things that are complete knock-offs of other songs. Sometimes that is unintentional and that could happen to me too, but I try to avoid producing music that is too close to something that already exists.

Patient. There are plenty of areas of my life where I am impatient, but with songwriting I have learned to wait however long it takes for a song to fully bake. The worst thing you can do to a song is rush it, which will nearly always force you to settle for something less than it would have been if you waited. I’ve had songs that take years to finish.

What can we anticipate in terms of your upcoming projects?

I am continuing to write, record and produce my second album. My goal is an early 2024 release, but that may be a bit optimistic at this point because my current schedule leaves very minimal time for moving the ball forward on that front. But it will be worth the wait, and I am really excited about how it is coming together.

Where can our readers find additional information about you and your work?

Check out my website, https://davidraybuck.com. You can sign up for my newsletter there and I’ll send you some free music. You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Thank you for the interview and helping me get the word out!