An Exclusive Conversation with Lucas Roy

What initially sparked your interest in pursuing a career in the arts for those who may not be familiar with your background?

-When I was about 15 I performed at a talent show at my high school. We didn’t think much of it then, but someone from the audience owned a restaurant and asked us after the show if we wanted to come play at their venue. I learned then that you could play smaller shows and get paid money to do it. It just made perfect sense to me at the time – I couldn’t work full time because I was in school and this gave me the perfect opportunity to play publicly.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your latest single?

My latest single was inspired by some tough times I was going through. When I was younger, I always felt invincible. I was fit, young, and naive about life. I didn’t have adult problems yet. I had a lot of courage and charisma that has seem to fade throughout the years. I take less risks and live a more straightforward lifestyle – and I think universally amongst almost all humans, you find this to be the case.

What themes or emotions are explored in this song?

Nostalgia and growing up. The theme of the song is really the things that change throughout the years and how are younger, naïve Mindset let us do some crazy things because we weren’t programmed with true fear yet. We don’t know the troubles of the world and in some cases, truly believe were invincible.

How does this single fit into the larger narrative of your music career or your upcoming projects?

For me, this single is monumental. It plays an important role. Even as a younger musician, my dreams and what I would hope for in a career are now drastically different.

This single aligns nicely with the next couple of songs that I will be releasing. I believe that they’re a new caliber of songwriting that I’ve been striving to attain. I think that you’ll see what I mean if you listen to this new song in comparison to my older songs. It’s a different vibe, style, and a meaningful message.

Could you describe the creative process behind this single, from concept to production?

I actually wrote this song based on a finger picking progression I created with a half-capo. I found it at my studio and was like “why does this even exist? Like who would use it?” The funny thing is, I threw it on my guitar and the initial concept for “Courage of my Youth” was formed. The song that’s being released on May 31st does not feature any of the original guitar, but that’s the beautiful part about having a great song and solid producers/engineers to help make the vision shine through at its highest potential.

What can listeners expect to experience or feel when they listen to this track?

I don’t want to quite ruin it for everyone yet – but expect a pop styled ballad that has influences of Ed Sheeran, Lewis Capaldi, and some other contemporary artists. My hope is that people experience a brief moment of nostalgia and remember being young. I hope they experience wisdom through all the mistakes that they made and the memories they’re fond of from their past.

Are there any interesting stories or anecdotes from the recording or writing of this song that you’d like to share?

It took about 5 demos to make this song the way it is. I had a bunch of different concepts but couldn’t keep my mind straight and hear what I was hoping for. The lyrics changed so much overtime – and it probably took about 9 months to actually lock this one in.

As an artist, can you identify three key traits that define you?

Empathy, charisma, and honesty. I try my best to incorporate #1 & #3 in all of my writing. And to use #2 when IM performing. Having the ability to connect and understand your audience is pivotal for success as an artist and a performer. I also feel like these things define my relationships with my self and others. Being an artist is part of my identity – so I try to live the way I want to write.

What can we anticipate in terms of your upcoming projects?

This first single, “Courage of My Youth” is coming out May 31st. Expect a music video for that one at some point this summer. Also, I have another song set to release in July at some point that I’m equally excited about. Expect some really vibey, top quality, singer/songwriter jams!

Where can our readers find additional information about you and your work?

All of my information is hosted on my website at

You can find my new releases and videos there, as well as on youtube and spotify!